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Take your first steps into food and body freedom!

woman smiling eating


How would it feel for you if your life was not defined by what you ate? By what you look like? 

Crumbl cookies


Being able to be free from guilt, shame, and constantly obsessing about what you should be eating or that your body is not good enough…

woman holding pizza


yourself free of feeling like you’re always failing. Imagine yourself free of feeling like there is something wrong with you when nothing seems to work…


Imagine …

Life full of confidence, life full of self-love. Imagine enjoying ALL your favorite foods and not worrying about dieting or restricting ever again. Imagine being so powerfully, unconditionally YOU.



Let me help you create that for you. Let me guide you into that freedom and confidence around food and with your body that you have ALWAYS wanted!

Kristy says:

“I never in a million years thought I could go a day, even an hour without thinking about my body and eating in a negative way. It's my new normal.”

James says:

“I had tried addressing my binge eating before and was really skeptical about ever finding a fix. I wasn't sure if a coach could really help give me any new insight, but working with Ada was really eye opening. She was able to isolate a lot of the motivations I've had and underlying emotions and reasons that always lead me back to binging. I got a much better understanding of my body and how to handle these feelings and she gave me a ton of tools to work through them.”

Amanda says:

“What I wanted was to lose weight (I thought). Turns out I needed to learn about self love and self forgiveness. I needed to drop expectations about paths that worked for others. I needed to learn how to listen to my body and trust it. And that is what you helped me to do.”

Let me help you find YOUR happy.

The FindYourHappy Method

Deeply transformative 1 on 1 private coaching program where I hold the space for you to truly HEAL and step into the unconditionally confident YOU.


Hi, I’m Ada

I am a food, body, and soul freedom coach and the creator of the FindYourHappy Method.  I help amazing souls transform their relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves so they can stop living in guilt, shame, and obsession and step into the freedom, confidence, and happiness they have always wanted. I am here to help you rediscover who you are and break through your subconscious programming so you can find EASE and JOY in eating, exercising, and being. Let’s break the dieting rules together and create the life you’ve always wanted! 


are you ready to…

  • stop obsessing about what to eat of how your body should look like?

  • free yourself from shame, guilt, and all-or-nothing mindset?

  • be free from feeling like you’re always failing?

  • drop limiting beliefs and transform deeply from within?

  • get out of your own way and reach your goals with ease?

  • step into a life full of unconditional self love and confidence?

A Gift for You

I would love to gift you a complimentary coaching experience with me during which we will explore how you can get out of your own way so that you can achieve your goals much easier! This is not just your typical “discovery call” – I truly want to hold space for you as we navigate what has been keeping you stuck and how you can move forward in a truly transformational way.

What the FYHM tribe is saying…

I can literally feel the change all the time. I’m not as hard on myself. I’m not thinking all or nothing. You have been LIFE CHANGING for me!
— Kristy
I no longer have a scale obsession. I don’t let the scale define me or dictate how I live my life. I have a body confidence that I have never had before and I no longer have tons of food guilt.
— Heather
I was able to find a place that was less rigid and allowed me to listen more to my body and less of my brain.
— Amanda
The tools you are giving me are truly life changing.
— Kendra
I have learned to trust my body’s instincts, noticed why I sometimes have certain kind of reactions, and learned to let go of the guilt of eating foods that I used to think of as “unhealthy foods”.
— Rachel
I just learned I can trust myself more. I can have a bit of chocolate each day and it’s fine. I can eat cereal with yogurt and it’s fine. I can have lunch from door dash and it’s fine.
— Kari